Monday, February 7, 2011


Lucky for us that we live 30 minutes away from Oregon wine county. In my opinion, it is every bit as gorgeous as California's more famous regions.

Sunday, we met my in-laws at the newest restaurant in Dundee for breakfast. Farm to Fork was amazing and we can't wait to go back. Sadly, we were finished eating by 9:30 which is too early for even us to wine taste.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I love having an organized home. That somebody person doesn't quite embrace the organization orgasm as much as I do. Therefore, I had to find night stand baskets that he could easily slide his kindle and books into without a lot of hassle. Found the perfect solution from Home Goods for $7.99 a piece. I realize these are not drastic before/after photos ... but like I said, I love to organize and donate. Less really is more ... unless you're talking about orgasms.



psst ... this is my nightstand. He puts up with a lot around here but think he might draw the line at flowers on his side of the bed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


We've never been early adopters. In fact, we typically get on the bandwagon about the fourth for fifth generation. Last year when we discovered this new device called the Ipod (wink), we were over the moon. How did we ever travel without them? Screaming kids on plane, no problem! Annoying loud gym talkers at 5:30 a.m., piece of cake!

We each bought a Kindle last month and while that somebody person loves it, I have yet to fully embrace the reader and give up on books. While it's great to lay in bed and buy a book in less than 2 minutes, I miss holding a real book in my hands ... the smell of the pages, the cover photos, checking to see how much of the book is left to wrap up the story ... it's not the same to see a % at the bottom of the screen ... I need the visual. I think I'll keep my Kindle on reserve for traveling when you want the variety of several books without the hassle of actually taking multiple books on the plane. Meanwhile, that somebody person is on his fourth book in less than a month ... unreal for someone who typically considers himself a slow reader.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's The Little Things

I have a friend at work who organizes several volunteer activities a month. She and a friend were hosting a family day on January 13th for low income migrant workers in our area. The day was to center around learning activities while also spending quality time together. There was a first aid station, a crafting table, family portraits and cooking classes available. I participated by donating 2 bags of yarn for the crafting table.

When I arrived at work the following day, she presented me with these adorable cards that some of the kids had made for me. It literally brought a tear to my eye when I read their sweet little notes inside. 2011 is the year for me to volunteer again. I took last year off and am realizing how much I miss it.

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, "What are you doing for other's?" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Hike

Living in the Northwest, we take every opportunity to be outside when the weather is dry. Sunday, we hiked through a State Park that is about 5 miles from our house. It was a clear day with mild temperatures around 53 degrees ... warm!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Marionberry Jammers

I've been wanting to try this recipe for quite some time but never had the opportunity. Saturday my parents came over and I knew I could quickly whip these up before they arrived. Served warm from the oven they were crazy good. The recipe is from one of my favorite cookbooks titled The Grand Central Baking Book. Almost all the recipes call for buttermilk which I never seem to have. So I tried the 'make your own' recipe I've seen a million times of adding 1 T. vinegar to 1 c. milk ... it worked!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Steak Salad

We're about to build an ark. It's been raining for close to 48 hours ... non stop. There is nothing appealing about leaving the house ... not even food could temp us to leave. This salad was composed of items I had on hand and it turned out to be one of the best salads I've ever made.

I sauteed green beans, mushroom and sun dried tomatoes. This warm mixture wilted the mixed baby greens ever so slightly. Topped with seasoned flank steak and shavings of ricotta salata cheese. I tossed the greens with one of my all time favorite dressings:

1 shallot
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
1/4 t. curry powder
1/2 t. pepper
1/4 c. balsamic vinegar
1/4 c. rice wine vinegar
1/2 c. olive oil
1/2 c. canola oil

Mix in blender

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pumpkin Scones

I love Sunday mornings and they tend to be the day that I indulge in baking a breakfast treat. I don't make these very often ... mainly because I end up eating the entire batch ... albeit not in one sitting! They are the perfect combo of moist and delicate. I added a maple glaze that was the perfect touch.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have had these two huge pots flanking our garage doors for at least seven years. They were a bear to get home and feel lucky they have lasted as long as they have ... The Northwest is not exactly terra cotta weather conditions. We'll have to figure out what to do until Costco starts carrying their glazed pots in the spring. Yet another reason to be sooooo over Winter!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Go Ducks!

These photos were from the 2010 Rose Bowl. This year we're playing for the big one baby ... National Championship on January 10! woot woot! Sadly, with ticket prices hovering around $800.00 - $1,200.00 (and higher!), we'll be rooting from home. I'm pretty sure they'll hear us in Glendale.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter Centerpiece

I found a new blog that I am loving. Jennifer's designs are so inspiring and creative that I spent the better part of a day mesmerized. When I spied this centerpiece, I knew I had all the supplies to create my own ... something new without spending a dime.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm a little behind schedule since we've been sick around here.

We celebrated with:

And had a lovely dinner:

See those little votive candles? I just picked them up at Crate and Barrel and love them. I've always thought fake candles were a little cheesy until I spied these ... I think they look more realistic with the little burned off wick. Their true purpose is for my built in cabinets where I can't burn real candles and so far visitors are fooled!