Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am very fond of the saying, WTF. I know I have a potty mouth but sometimes there is no other appropriate phrase that fits the situation. We were out of town last week celebrating our anniversary ... 15 yrs! woot woot. We came home to these lovelies (not!) on our completely private back deck (you know, the deck that is rotting away) ...

Creepy, right? There were four of them made to look like they were walking out my French doors to the deck. (Sorry, my photos are not loading correctly).

I thought it was the cleaning gals ... no dice ... and I am quite sure they think I am insane as they kept asking, "What do you mean? Shoes with flowers?"

I know it was you Cupcake. And just because my deck is rotting, does not mean I also need Ms. Phoenix's rotting shoes out there as well. We do have some standards. And oh ... that's right ... you are leaving to Hawaii soon ... hummmm

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