3 c. flour
2 T. oil
1 t. salt
warm water (enough to bring dough to a ball)
Let dough rest 30 minutes
Seperate dough into 24 balls. 12 layers will become the top crust and 12 layers will become the bottom crust. Roll each ball into a 6-8 inch circle. Brush melted butter on each layer before adding the next. Leave the twelfth layer of each stack dry as this will become the top of your bottom layer and top of your top layer. Roll each 12 layer stack into the size needed for your baking sheet (I use a 1/4 sheet pan size).
12 eggs
32 oz. cottage cheese
1 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
Whisk together and pour into bottom crust. Add top layer of dough and crimp bottom and top layers together. Brush generously with melted butter. Place in a preheated 450 oven for 15-20 minutes (until top is lightly browned). Reduce oven to 350 and bake until done (approx. 30 min).