Tuesday, August 31, 2010


A few weeks ago we went boating with our good friends Isha and Back-to-Back Jack (looongg story on his nickname). We were leisurely motoring along the river when we spotted a "dog" on the island. Worried that the "dog" was stranded, we inched closer for a look.

Oopsie ...

Awwwwww, aren't they ADORABLE?? Come to mama ... ewwww ... wait. I was talking about the deer. Nevermind.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Limelight Hydrangea

My Limelight hydrangea is going crazy! This beauty was planted on the sunny side of my yard and he couldn't be happier (now reaching over 5 feet tall) ... and kinda taking over. I had no choice but to cut him back and used the trimmings for a patio bouquet. The ivory and green colors are so pretty and there is a slight pink starting to peek through. Not that I'm wishing summer away, but I am excited to see what colors he turns in the fall.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pulled Pork Sliders

I'm not into kitchen gadgets but I love my crock-pot. LOVE my crock-pot. I rely on that baby to get me through hectic weeks ... or slow cook something that I don't otherwise have time for.

Last week, our friends organized a potluck dinner at the neighborhood park concert. I brought these sliders and everyone raved ... even the kids! So good, so easy and so satisfying. Use any cut of meat (I used a pork loin roast), spice it up however you want (I used salt, pepper, garlic and onions) and cook on low for 8-10 hrs. I served them slathered with store bought bbq sauce and plenty of napkins .... and beers.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Before leaving for home, Ms. Phoenix gave me these pretty little bracelets. I was coveting them earlier in the week when I spied them sparkling on her arm. Now, I have a set of my own and I haven't stopped wearing them. I still can't believe she paid $3.00 a piece at Craft Warehouse. ADORABLE!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here Piggy, Piggy

My good friend, Cupcake, has an incredible deck. In my book, no summer is complete without an evening spent admiring her abundant pots. Her massive collection is overflowing with beautiful flowers and foliage yet it never seems too much or overdone. She swears she never follows a plan and just starts poking plants in each pot until they are "stuffed."

This little guy is one of my favorites. Isn't he adorable?

Cupcake is also an accomplished cook so it's no wonder we typically leave her house feeling quite "stuffed" as well.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vive la France

Last week, I was invited to attend a luncheon and demonstration by cookbook author, Susan Herrmann Loomis, who operates a cooking school in France. The school, On Rue Tatin, sounds amazing ... not to mention the stories of her 20 years living abroad.

Listening to Susan talk about French food and culture has reawakened my desire to plan that long talked about Parisian holiday ... until then, I'm pouring over her latest cookbook, Nuts in the Kitchen!

Monday, August 16, 2010


This may not be the typical summer choice for nail polish but I just love the OPI color "You Don't Know Jacques!" It seems to match everything I own and judged by the amount of compliments I've been receiving, I think it's a winner.

Topped with this incredible product, my home manicure lasts at least a week.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Lake

We are lucky to know friends who live on a lake. They invited us to a relaxing Saturday morning on their boat .... complete with mimosas! Every Saturday should be as swanky as this. Thanks friends for a great day!